Good Morning All,
Hope everybody had a good Christmas and New Year celebrations. All the best for 2019 and I'm sure we will see some awesome stuff in the year ahead.
I had some time off so I could also work on the sawmill again

All the buildings is together now so I mixed so cream paint and painted the outside of both buildings. I thinned the paint a little as I wanted to keep the grain of the wood.
Had to give it 2 to 3 coats of paint, but it looks good.
I then painted the inside of all the windows dark green.
I also stained the deck, I like the colour, think I'll leave it like that.
Next step is to cut all the paper strips for the back wall as it is covered in clapboard. That is dark brown/black.
Then I can fit all the windows. I will make them myself as the resin for the 3D printers got so expensive

almost R1k to get it done !!!!! No way !!!!!
Will send updates soon again.