What method did you use to do the paint work? It looks really good.
each individual recieves the following treatment
1 Wood Grain put in with a wire brush
2 The piece is then run through a piece of sand paper to get rid of any fuzzy bits
3 I scrape on a random amount of differnt artists pastels
4 the pastels are rubbed in with rubbing alcohol and an old brush
5 once dry i wet the piece of wood with turpentine and wait for it to start drying
6 I apply a random coat of acrylic paint and give it a few minutes to to dry
7 masking tape is the stuck onto the board and then lifted. This removes the paint in a random fashion showing the aged wood below.
The description above makes the process seem a lot longer than it actually takes. The results are very convincing.
If you get a chance check the link below of Chuck Doans. He taught me the method explained above.