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Messages - Freightcars

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 9
DCC Forum (Digital Command Control) / Re: ESU LokSound decoder problem
« on: August 30, 2020, 09:57:44 AM »

Ed can probably point you to someone with programmer down near you.

Po mode or Ops mode programming does not allow read back of CVs unless you have additional equipment.  You can only write.  Also unless you know what the loco address is you aren't going to be able to program that specific loco.

The scale switch has no effect on programming.  It regulates the track voltage on the Rail A and Rail B outputs.

Given that you aren't able to get any acknowledgement with any of the reading I'm starting to wonder if there is an issue with the wiring or even just a bad decoder.

DCC Forum (Digital Command Control) / Re: ESU LokSound decoder problem
« on: August 28, 2020, 07:11:51 AM »

Are you sure it's an ESU decoder?  To my knowledge there has never been an ESU decoder that has been able to reset by using a magnetic wand.  That was more of a QSI thing.

Did you actually read back the values of CVs 7 & 8 to confirm the ESU ID?

Given that you aren't able to read anything leads me to two possible conclusions:
1)  Some sound decoders need to have a programming track booster.  They require more power than is put out by your Digitrax system.  As Ed mentioned, a PR3 is a good alternative if available as with the right power supply (16V 1amp) it can read most decoders.

In my experience this is not the case for ESU decoders unless it's maybe fitted with additional keep alive capacitors.

2).  There could be a poor connection between either the power pickups and the decoder or between the decoder and the motor.  You indicated that you got the lights to flash once so this seems less likely.



Layout Design / Re: Our new layout.....
« on: May 19, 2020, 08:56:18 AM »
Steve has the answer - 3D printing.  :biggrin: :thumb:


Lol.... 3D printing is the answer to everything.

It's so untrue....

But.... Send me some dimensions and I'll see what we can make up for you

Custom shop / Re: Programming\Display Track HO, N and z
« on: May 11, 2020, 06:14:41 PM »
Dream Trains makes and sells a grass app.

I believe he's out of stock at the moment.  But I'll confirm.

For confirmation:  They are currently out of stock and waiting for parts. 

Custom shop / Re: Programming\Display Track HO, N and z
« on: May 11, 2020, 12:42:08 PM »
Dream Trains makes and sells a grass app.

I believe he's out of stock at the moment.  But I'll confirm.

DCC Forum (Digital Command Control) / Re: Servo motors
« on: April 20, 2020, 06:33:30 PM »
So there are a couple of options.

The first question is how do you want to control them?  Via a DCC system or via "analogue input" (read switch or push button on a panel) or a combination of both?

Then there is the question of do you want to use a commercial option or a DIY option?  The DIY option would require some sort of programming and electronic skill, which isn't for everyone.

I'm currently doing some work on a board that would allow for the analogue input method.  There are still some bugs that need working out.


Marklin / Re: BR 01 oil burner
« on: November 26, 2019, 02:09:58 PM »

Hi Niel,

I like to use cream colored enamel paint.
I have seen overseas that there is a permanent marker type of pen with a orange color.
I have sometimes also spray painted complete circuit boards for coach lights with a rattle can.
Basically anything that will change the color of these bright white Led's to something resembling older
style lights.

Thanks.  Some experimentation is needed. 

Marklin / Re: BR 01 oil burner
« on: November 24, 2019, 10:50:48 AM »
A few drops of paint and the lights look totally different. :thumb:

What paint did you use?

Marklin / Re: BR 03.10
« on: August 12, 2019, 05:47:45 PM »
Nice work.

The two sugar cubes produce ridiculously good sound. 

Did you include a resistor and diode with your capacitor?

Take a look at the ESU website.  They have updated a number of the sound files over time which are well improved from what was included on the CD with the LokProgrammer.



General Discussion / Re: Photon printer
« on: May 26, 2019, 05:56:28 PM »
Hey Steve,

I have a Photon and can do prints for you.  You have a PM.



Structures / Re: Sierra West scale models - O neills
« on: February 01, 2019, 02:17:48 PM »
What method did you use to do the paint work?  It looks really good.

Custom shop / Re: Custom Build Saw Mill from Holland
« on: January 24, 2019, 07:46:38 PM »

Freightcars, really helped a lot with this one, can't wait to see or have the final product in my hands.  :biggrin:

Thank you so much for the help with the Windows and the Doors.  :thumb:  :thumb:

I got stuck down a rabbit hole and haven't gotten back to these this week.  I need to send those to you.

No problem helping out.  It's been an interesting test to throw at the printer.

DCC Forum (Digital Command Control) / Re: ESU Loksound 5
« on: January 23, 2019, 09:30:34 PM »
Well that's interesting.  Will be good to get one to play with in the wild.

Custom shop / Re: Custom Build Saw Mill from Holland
« on: January 05, 2019, 09:37:53 AM »

The guy that can help me talked of about R800 for a 300ml bottle?
I'm not to sure.....  ???

I have already drawn up everything, bottom of page 1.
Do you have a contact?



He must be using some good stuff in that case.  Possibly SLA rather than DLP resins or something.

Send me a copy of your files and I'll see what I can do for you.



Custom shop / Re: Custom Build Saw Mill from Holland
« on: January 02, 2019, 10:09:16 AM »

Then I can fit all the windows. I will make them myself as the resin for the 3D printers got so expensive  ??? almost R1k to get it done !!!!! No way !!!!!


What are you looking at for the windows?

R1k is somewhat extreme for printed windows.  You can almost get a whole litre of resin for that price (well it depends on the brand) so you could print a boat load of windows for th eprice.


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